Build Your Resume: The Advantage of US Student Work Experience

Build Your Resume: The Advantage of US Student Work Experience


Some college students decide to study in other countries to learn more and develop new skills. While abroad, they experience different cultures, become more independent, and meet people from diverse backgrounds. These experiences can be helpful when looking for a job.

Build Your Resume

In this article, we talk about why you should put your study abroad experience on your resume and give tips on how to do it.

Why You Should Include Your Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad can give you great experiences that make your resume stand out. Here are some key reasons to include your study abroad experience on your resume:

  • Makes you different from other candidates
  • Shows what you care about
  • Highlights your skills
  • Explains any gaps in your job history

Sets You Apart From Other Candidates

Hiring managers look at a lot of job applications, so they look for things that stand out. Studying abroad is one of those things that can catch their eye. Since studying abroad is special, you should include it on your resume to make yourself stand out.

Shows Your Values

When you are in another country, you need to be ready to adjust to new ways of life and learn about different perspectives. Liking to travel can show employers that you are open-minded and interested in different cultures.

Studying abroad helps you accept differences and understand how people live in other parts of the world.

Shows Your Skill Set

Studying abroad tells bosses that you can learn by yourself in new places, which means you can work independently too. It also shows you’re good at solving problems and can understand new stuff fast.

When you studied abroad, you probably learned how to work with people who are different from you, which helps in lots of jobs.

Explains Limited Job Experience

When you’re looking for a job after college, employers often want to see that you’ve worked during your time in school. But if you’ve been studying abroad, you might not have had the chance to do a part-time job or internship.

Adding your study abroad experience to your resume can show employers why you don’t have much job experience.

How to Include Study Abroad Experience on a Resume

When you put your study abroad experience on your resume, think about it carefully. You want to show employers how it made you better at your job. Here’s how to do it:

1. Think About Your Time Abroad

Before you update your resume, think about your time abroad. Remember what you learned in your classes, the people you met, and the places you visited. Also, think about the skills and interests you gained. See how you can use these experiences in your career.

For instance, if you’re applying for a job that involves a lot of travel, mention your passion for exploring new places. Show that you can handle different environments and stay productive during work trips.

2. Tailor It to the Job Application

Choose carefully what you put from your time studying abroad on your resume. Only add things that matter to the job you want. For example, if the job says you need to travel, mention how long you studied abroad. This tells employers you can handle new places and still get things done.

3. Choose Where to Put It

When you talk about studying abroad on your resume, you can break it down into three parts:

  1. Education: Under your current school, mention where you studied abroad. Include the school’s name, city, and country, how long you studied there, and any important classes you took or awards you received.
  2. Experience: In the experience section, talk about any internships or programs you did while abroad. Use bullet points to explain what you did during those experiences. If you had a lot of experiences abroad, you can even create a separate section on your resume called “International experience.”
  3. Skills: Think about the skills you gained while studying abroad and add the most important ones to your resume. Learning a new language is a big one, so make sure to mention it and say if you’re a beginner, good, or really good at it.

Study Abroad Resume Examples

Here’s how you can show your study abroad experience on your resume under Education:


  • University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, Wisconsin
    • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | May 2016
    • Honors: Dean’s List 2014-2016
  • Politecnico di Milano | Milan, Italy
    • International Studies Program | Spring Semester 2013
    • Honors: Dean Hewe’s Study Abroad Scholarship


Milan World Leaders

Milan, Italy Volunteer in Communication Program (Spring 2013)

  • Worked with a team of 10 volunteers to make ads for the program
  • Helped with tasks like talking to customers, sending emails, and taking calls
  • Handed out flyers to new students and answered their questions
  • Helped translate between Italian and English for over 20 volunteers

Here’s how you might write about your study abroad experience in your skills section using simpler language:


  • Communication: Writing and talking to people, using email tools for marketing, helping customers with software
  • Languages: Good at speaking Italian
  • Interests: Traveling to different countries, discovering new cultures, taking pictures for stories


1. Why is US student work experience advantageous for my resume?

US student work experience demonstrates adaptability, communication skills, and cultural awareness, which are highly valued by employers. It also showcases your ability to work in diverse environments and handle challenges effectively.

2. What types of work experience in the US are considered beneficial?

Any work experience that aligns with your career goals and enhances your skills can be advantageous. This includes internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or research opportunities.

3. How does US work experience contribute to my professional development?

Working in the US exposes you to different work cultures, practices, and methodologies, broadening your perspective and enhancing your problem-solving abilities. It also allows you to network with professionals in your field, opening doors to future career opportunities.

4. Will US student work experience help me stand out to employers?

Absolutely. Employers often value candidates with international work experience as it signifies adaptability, cultural competency, and a global mindset. US work experience can differentiate you from other applicants and make your resume more appealing.

5. Can I include US student work experience if it’s not directly related to my field of study?

Yes. Even if your US work experience isn’t directly related to your field of study, it still demonstrates valuable skills such as teamwork, time management, and problem-solving, which are transferable to any professional setting. Be sure to highlight these skills on your resume.


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