The Global Classroom: Benefits of Studying and Working in the USA on a Student Visa

The Global Classroom: Benefits of Studying and Working in the USA on a Student Visa

Benefits of Studying and Working in the USA on a Student Visa

Lots of students from around the world like to study in the USA because it’s a really popular place to go to college in another country. American schools offer great education with experienced teachers, practical learning, and chances to connect globally.


In a big ranking of universities called the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 59 American universities are in the top 200. Each year, over 1 million international students go to study in the USA.

Studying in the USA has lots of advantages like top-notch academics, many different kinds of programs, and access to the latest technology. The USA has some of the best universities in the world, and its education system is really good.


If you want to know more about why studying in the USA is a great idea, check out our blog where we talk about 10 benefits of studying there.

Why Study in the Usa?

  • The USA has many great colleges and universities.
  • You’ll meet classmates from all over the world, because lots of international students choose to study in the US.
  • There’s plenty of help available for international students, so you’ll be supported.
  • And that’s just the start! There are many more reasons why studying in the US might be a great fit for you.

1. Gain Access to a Wide Range of Resources

If your home country has lots of stuff like money, good technology, and freedom, then moving to America will be easy for you. But if you’re from a poorer country, coming to study in America could give you access to awesome resources and opportunities you might not have back home, making it a really exciting chance to learn and improve your life.

2. Experience a Rich Diversity of Food and Culture

American history is shaped a lot by the people who were here first and by those who came later from other countries. Places where colleges are often have a mix of different cultures.

If you study in the US, you can experience diverse things like music, museums, and chatting in cafes and bars. This not only makes life fun but also helps you learn more.

3. Academic Excellence

Many students choose to study in the US because it has really good universities that keep up their high standards over time. Seven American universities are even among the top 10 in the world according to Times Higher Education Ranking. They stay at the top because they always have great classes and methods of teaching.

4. Study at Some of the World’s Top Schools

Sure! In the list of best universities worldwide, a lot of them are in America. If you’re from another country and you study in the US, going to one of these top universities can be really great. But there are also lots of other awesome schools in the US that aren’t as famous as the Ivy League ones.

For instance, if you’re into robotics, you might think about going to MIT or Cooper Union. But there are also places like the Colorado School of Mines that are really good for that too. So, there are plenty of options for where to study and what to study, even if you don’t go to the super famous schools.

5. Advancement in Technology

The US is really good at technology and coming up with new ideas. They’re ranked 4th out of 78 countries for being really good at technology stuff. In American schools, teachers always give students the best tools to learn. And using fancy equipment helps students understand hard things better.

6. Best for Research Programs

The U.S. leads in science and tech stuff. Students here get cool labs and resources for research. Lots of universities team up with big companies, giving students money and chances to do awesome research.

7. Enjoy a Wide Range of Climates

America has lots of different landscapes and weather. If you like snow, warm weather all the time, being near lakes, oceans, or rivers, then the US is great for studying abroad.

If you love experiencing four different seasons – chilly falls, cold winters, mild springs, and hot summers – there are plenty of places for you. And if you prefer high humidity all year, coastal towns with colleges will suit you well.

No matter what kind of weather you like, you can find it in the US.

8. Supporting Environment for International Students

In the US, schools help students from other countries feel comfortable. They offer things like orientation programs to help them adjust to the new place. Also, students can get help from the school’s service office if they need guidance.


9. Build Your Network and Make Friends With People From Around the World

If you think studying in America is the right choice for you, you’ll have the chance to meet people and make friends from all over the world.

The US attracts people from everywhere, and college campuses have students from different parts of the country and the world.

When you join an American college, you’ll be surrounded by many others like you, and the friendships you make will be one of the many great things about studying in the USA as an international student.

10. Travel Easily Across State Borders

Even though the states are united, there’s a lot of variety from one place to another. The best part is that you can travel from state to state without needing special permits or extra paperwork.

One of the great things about studying in the USA for international students is the chance to see a lot of the country easily. Besides paying small fees and tolls, you can travel from big cities to the countryside in other states with just a GPS and some gas money.

11. Improve Your Language Skills

One of the main benefits for international students studying in the USA is the chance to improve their English skills. While it can be challenging to become fluent, there is a lot of support available to help you learn.

Most campuses offer resources for English language learners, which are very helpful. You will also get plenty of practice through your coursework, socializing with other students, and participating in workshops, conversation circles, and cultural clubs on campus.

12. Career Opportunities

The United States has a strong job market with many opportunities for internships, part-time jobs, and jobs after graduation. Universities hold career fairs and workshops to help students meet industry experts and build connections.

Many international students want to gain practical experience, develop their skills, and improve their career chances by working in the U.S. after they finish their studies.

13. Flexibility in Choosing Subjects

In the US, universities let students explore what they like and shape their education to fit their career plans. The flexible system lets students pick from many subjects and often mixes different fields of study.

During their first two years, students can take various courses before deciding on their main subject at the end of the second year.

14. Earn While Studying

In the US, international students with F1 visas can work part-time while studying to help pay for their expenses. They can work up to 20 hours a week during the school semester and up to 40 hours a week during semester breaks.

15. Financial Assistance

Studying in the U.S. can be costly, but there are many scholarships, grants, and financial aid options for international students. Both public and private schools offer federal scholarships and loans to international students.

Additionally, there are other scholarships available from the government, private organizations, or partnerships between public and private groups.


1. Why Study in the Usa for Indian Students?

Studying in the USA provides several benefits, including access to top-ranked universities, an excellent educational system, leading technological advancements, diverse course offerings, excellent employment prospects, and a multicultural environment that enriches the overall experience.

2. What are some of the top universities in the USA?

Some of the top universities in the USA include:

  • Stanford University
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Yale University
  • Columbia University
  • Princeton University

3. What is the cost of obtaining a student visa to the USA from India?

The cost of obtaining an F1 student visa to the USA from India is approximately $500 USD (around INR 41,063.38). This cost is divided into two fees:

  • DS-160 Form charge: $160 USD (around INR 13,140.28)
  • I-901 SEVIS charge: $350 USD (around INR 28,744.36)

4. How long can I stay in the USA after graduation?

After graduation, students are eligible to stay in the USA for up to 12 months if they qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT). Graduates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields may apply for an additional 24 months of OPT, extending their stay up to 36 months post-graduation.


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