Gujarati Suvichar To live a good life, it is also necessary to have good thoughts in the mind. Sometimes, the good thoughts of many people have changed their lives. People who are going on a bad path have turned to the right path. If some people have bad thoughts in their minds, good thoughts work to remove them. Therefore, one should read good Suvichar every day.
Shikshako Mate Upyogi Manomanthan karava jeva Suvicharo Pdf.
“आपको अंदर से विकास करना पड़ता है। कोई भी आपको शिक्षित नहीं कर सकता, कोई भी आपको आत्मज्ञानी नहीं बना सकता। इसके लिए केवल आपकी अपनी आत्मा ही आपका शिक्षक है”। -स्वामी विवेकानंद

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul”. -Swami Vivekananda
“सफलता एक बुरा शिक्षक है। यह सफल लोगों के मन में गलत धारणा बिठाता है कि वे असफल नहीं हो सकते।” -बिल गेट्स
Click here Gujarati Suvichar Pdf Download
Here we are working on collecting good thoughts. Part one of good Suvichar is presented here. Now, part-2 will also be posted. Therefore, all friends are requested to share this post of ours with as many friends as possible and this Suvichar should be read not once but every 15 days. We will work on collecting the best Suvichar. Each collection will be posted here. Friends are requested to read one Suvichar every day.
Good thoughts act as soap for the bad thoughts in the mind, just like soap removes dirt from clothes. Similarly, good thoughts in our mind take care of the things and make me clean. Therefore, one should read any good Suvichar every day and think about it. Its good things have also been told to our friends. You can also put good wishes in your WhatsApp status. Keep visiting every day.
There are many states in India, but Gujarat is also the same. Everyone is always ready to help each other. Just like Gujarati people are ready to help each other when they are shopping for food and drinks. In such a state, Gujarati wishes are equally important. All friends should read Gujarati wishes and to remove the bad influence in us, we should send a Gujarati wish to our friends every morning at dawn.
If you want to save the Gujarati wishes given here in your mobile, press and hold any wish with your thumb and then click on the save image, then this wish will be saved in your mobile.
Gujarati Wish Collection Part-1 A Super Wish Collection Worth Reading Again
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